
Jan 28, 2010

Backup online data using Backupify

It's time for you to backup all of your online sites, like facebook, flickr, google docs and other sites that you store online. You'll never know when something happens on these sites. And good thing that Backupify is doing this kind of service. They are offering a free account sign-up until January 31, 2010.
Backupify is very easy to use, after sign-up you can configure the sites you want to backup. It's using Amazon webservices, so I think and believe that it's a good quality.

Here are the supported sites:
  1. Gmail
  2. Google Docs
  3. Twitter
  4. Flickr
  5. Facebook
  6. Basecamp
  7. Wordpress
  8. Delicious
  9. Photobucket
  10. Blogger
  11. Friendfeed
 It will alert you through email when backup is finished. I have tried it and started to like it. With the advent of technology, rule of the thumb is you need to have three backup location, your computer/laptop, your on-line sites and your on-line backup.

Act now and act fast. Backup! Backup! Backup!

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